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Multitouch Space Invaders searches a new way to interact besides the classical multitouch applications that we’re familiarized to.
We wanted to change the vision of typical finger based application to another concept that increases the collaboration with other users. Using balls as inputs versus fingers, the players could play in a totally collaborative environment.

Photography by Red Bull Music Academy Team, 1st Term

Commented by Multitouch Space Invaders [Environment]: Social Retro Gaming | CreativeApplications.Net
30 Mar 09 at 12:07 pm

[...] in our hearts. It is even more so when contemporary interfaces are combined with old skool gaming. Multitouch Space Invaders is one of those [...]

Commented by Multitouch Space Invaders: Der Spieleklassiker als große 3×2m-Multi-Touch-Variante « Kreativrauschen
05 Apr 09 at 5:57 pm

[...] Multitouch Space Invaders [...]

Commented by OFFF 2009: Fail Gracefully… Day one! | | XantifeeXantifee
05 Aug 11 at 10:17 pm

[...] “Multitouch Space Invaders searches a new way to interact besides the classical multitouch applications that we’re familiarized to. We wanted to change the vision of typical finger based application to another concept that increases the collaboration with other users. Using balls as inputs versus fingers, the players could play in a totally collaborative environment.” (bron: Multitouch Barcelona) [...]

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